Tungsten oxo tris(tert-butoxide) (acetylacetoiminate) WO(OtBu)3(acNac)

Fig. Molecular structure of WO(OtBu)3(acNac)

Fig. Molecular structure of WO(OtBu)3(acNac)

     Tungsten oxo tris(tert-butoxide) (acetylacetoiminate) WO(OtBu)3(acNac),  as well a series of other tungsten oxo-alkoxide β-ketoiminates and β-iminoesterates WO(OtBu)3L [L =  etNac, tbNac, acNacMe, acNacEt] and WO(OMe)3(acNac) has been synthesized and characterized. The isomeric purity of these complexes was found to be dependent on the steric bulk of the substituent on the imino nitrogen of the chelating ligand. The influence of the ligand nature (β-ketoiminate vs. β-iminoesterate) on the precursor thermal properties was evaluated. Possible precursor decomposition pathways during film deposition (for the potential application of these complexes as MOCVD precursors) were proposed by analysing the mass-spectrometric data  and the results of thermolysis studies of the complexes.

      WO(OtBu)3(acNac) has been applied as a precursor for the deposition of WOx thin films AACVD at 250-450 °C temperatures. The morphology, stoichiometry and material phases of the deposited films were investigated.[i]

[i] X. Su, T. Kim, Kh.A.Abboud, L. McElwee-White, Polyhedron, 2019, Vol.157, p.548-557 , « Synthesis of β-ketoiminate and β-iminoesterate tungsten (VI) oxo-alkoxide complexes as AACVD precursors for growth of WOx thin films », https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2018.10.035

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