Vanadium tetrakis(dimethylamide) V(NMe2)4

V(NMe2)4 and CyPH2 for VPx layers by AP CVD

    Vanadium tetrakis(dimethylamide) V(NMe2)4 (combined with cyclohexylphosphine as P source) was investigated as precursor for the deposition of vanadium phosphide layers by APCVD. 50-300 nm thick silver metallic-like VPx layers were obtained on silica-coated float glass at 400–550 °C; layer physical properties and chemical composition were investigated. Little or no nitrogen contamination was detected in the films despite all-N coordination sphere of V atom in the precursor; also C contamination was negligible. Use of V(NMe2)4 as precursor for VPx growth was found to be more reliable and giving more general route than using VCl4 as V source.[i]

[i] C.S. Blackman,  C.J. Carmalt, S.A. O'Neill,  I.P. Parkin, K.C. Molloy, L. Apostolico, Chem. Vapor Dep., 2004, Vol. 10, Iss. 5, p. 253–255, « Atmospheric-Pressure CVD of Vanadium Phosphide Thin Films from Reaction of Tetrakisdimethyl-amidovanadium and Cyclohexylphosphine »

Vanadium tetrakis(diethylamide) V(NEt2)4

     Tetrakis(diethylamido) vanadium V(NEt2)4 was applied as single-source precursor for deposition of C-rich vanadium carbonitride films by MOCVD at low temperature. NMR and on-line mass spectrometry were used to determine main volatile byproducts formed during thermal decomposition of V(NEt2)4: it was found that under the growth conditions an equimolecular ratio of HNEt2 and EtN=CHMe formed in addition to CH3CN and C2H4. An elimination mechanism of the NEt2 ligands (demonstrating their high lability leading to low N content in the layers) was proposed.[i]

[i] P. Bonnefond, R. Feurer, A. Reynes, F. Maury, B. Chanson, R. Choukroun, P. Cassoux, J. Mater. Chem., 1996, 6, 1501-1506, DOI: 10.1039/JM9960601501, « Thermal decomposition of V(NEt2)4 in an MOCVD reactor: a low-temperature route to vanadium carbonitride coatings »,!divAbstract

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