Dysprosium (III) halides

    Dysprosium halides (DyF3, DyCl3, DyBr3, DyI3) were mentioned as potential precursors for the preparation of Dy-containing layers, however no examples were presented. [i]

      DyCl3 and other dysprosium halides were applied as precursors for the deposition of Dy-contaning layers like phoshors etc. by spray pyrolysis (see below)

     DyCl3 has been reported as catalyst for the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes by CVD on Si/SiO2 wafers.[ii]

 [i] K Maeda, US Patent 7,605,380, 2009

[ii] Y. Qian, Ch. Wang, B. Huang, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2010, Vol.5, No.2, p 442-447, DOI: 10.1007/s11671-009-9503-7, « Dysprosium-Catalyzed Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays on Substrates »

Dysprosium trichloride DyCl3

Dysprosium trichloride hexahydrate DyCl3*6H2O

DyCl3 for Dy -doped SnO2 films by spray pyrolysis

Dysprosium trichloride hexahydrate DyCl3*6H2O was applied as Dy source for the deposition of Dy-doped SnO2 thin films by spray pyrolysis. Doped stannous oxide (SnO2) is one of the most widely used n-type transparent semiconductor materials for electrooptics and solar energy conversion; good transparency and high electrical conductivity simultaneously can be achieved using controlled non-stoichiometry in SnO2 thin films. Dy-doped SnO2 thin films were obtained by spray pyrolysis (a cost effective vapour deposition technique). For the obtained Dy.doped layers,  their structural, photo-electronic, optical and electrical properties were studied. The polycrystalline nature of the films with (101), (211), (301) planes preferential orientation was determined by XRD; photoconductivity and photovoltaic studies of the films were  performed. The optical properties of the Dy.doped SnO2 layers were studied by measuring their optical transmission as a function of wavelength. The optical transmission was increasing by Dy doping. The optical band gap of undoped film (4.08 eV) was calculated from UV transmittance, on doping it shifted to lower energies and then increased on increasing the concentration of both dopants. Carrier conversion from ntype to ptype takes place and pconductivity dominates upon doping with Dy. [i]

[i] J. Joseph, V. Mathew, K. E. Abraham, Cryst. Res. Techn. , 2006 , Volume41, Issue10,  p. 1020-1026 , « Physical properties of Dy and La doped SnO2 thin films prepared by a cost effective vapour deposition technique », https://doi.org/10.1002/crat.200610714; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/crat.200610714 

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