Trialkylstibines have been applied as possible alternative antimony CVD precursors. However, they produce films at higher temperatures than mono- or dialkylstibines

   Trimethylstibine SbMe3 is an popular precursor for MOCVD of Sb-containing films. Other trialkyl antimony CVD precursors include SbEt3 and SbMe2(tBu).

Other trialkyl antimony CVD precursors include SbEt3 and SbMe2(tBu).

Trimethylantimony (trimethylstibine) SbMe3

SbMe3 vapor pressure formula vs. temperature
 logP(Torr) = 7.7068 - 1697/T(K)

SbMe3 vapor pressure formula vs. temperature
logP(Torr) = 7.7068 - 1697/T(K)

Trimethylantimony (trimethylstibine) SbMe3 (M=166.86) is colorless liquid, stable under inert gas, pyrophoric, d = 1.528 g/ml (20°C),  mp.-87.6°C, bp.80.6°C/1013 hPa,

SbMe3 vapor pressure formula, according to different literature sources:

logP(Torr) = 7.73 - 1709/T(K), vap. press.(Torr) 31.2/ 0°C, 40.4/ 5°C, 51.7/ 10°C,  65.7/ 15°C, 82.8/ 20°C, 103.6/ 25°C.

 logP(Torr) = 7.7068 - 1697/T(K)

Trimethylstibine SbMe3 is conventional antimony precursor in MOVPE of antimonides In(Ga,Al)As(Sb). As well, SbMe3, produced Sb films with reasonable growth rate at temps >460°C. 

SbMe3 for GaSb by MOCVD

    Trimethylantimony SbMe3 (TMSb), combined with GaMe3 , was used as precursor for the growth of high-quality homo- and hetero-epitaxial GaSb layers by atmospheric pressure MOVPE. Unintentionally doped GaSb layers were p-type, having carrier concentration ~3.0*1016 cm-3 and Hall mobility 670 to 1000 cm2/Vs at 295 K. The correlation of surface morphology, electrical quality and photoluminescence data versus growth parameters was studied, in order to establish the GaSb growth window.[i]

   SbMe3 (TMSb) combined with GaMe3 as Ga source, was applied as antimony precursor for the hetero-epitaxial growth of  GaSb on GaAs in a  horizontal MOVPE reactor. Optimum range of V/III  ratios was found to be very narrow; factors affecting it were investigated. The dependence of electrical properties on the growth conditions such as growth rate, pressure, temperature, V/III ratio, inlet geometry of the cell and/or liner, and total gas flow was studied. The optimum V/III ratio was found to vary with reactor pressure.  The GaSb growth rate was found to be dependent on the TMGa concentration, reactor pressure and total flow rate, but not on the TMSb concentration. The best electrical quality GaSb layers wer obtained with growth rates below 2.5 μm/h irrespective of pressure. [ii]

[i] S K Haywood, A B Henriques, N J Mason, R J Nicholas and P J Walker, Semicond. Sci. Tech., 1988, vol. 3,  No.4, p.315, « Growth of GaSb by MOVPE »,

[ii]S.K. Haywood, N.J. Mason, P.J. Walker , J. Cryst. Growth, vol. 93, iss.1–4, 1988, Pages 56-61 Growth of GaSb by MOVPE; Optimization of electrical quality with respect to growth rate, pressure, temperature and IIIV ratio,,

SbMe3 for InSb by MOCVD

    Trimethyl antimony SbMe3, combined with trimethyl indium InMe3, was applied as antimony precursor for the growth of p-type InSb by MOCVD at temperatures 420-490°C. A narrow window in the growth conditions was found for InSb, with optimum morphologies achieved for V/III ratios ~2.2-2.5 and at 450°C growth temperature; the use of low pressures was necessary to obtain an enhanced uniformity in the InSb growth. The grown InSb films displayed type conversion over the range 70-300 K; the contributions from two carriers was complicating the  analysis of the transport properties: the majority carrier were holes in the entire studied temperature range, as per calculations using Fermi-Dirac statistics. An acceptor level with activation energy of 16+or-0.5 meV, an acceptor concentration of (2.65+or-0.02)*1017 cm-3 was identofed by the calculations, in good agreement with conductivity measurements and 450 cm2 V-1 s-1 low-temperature hole mobility. The temperature dependence of the Fermi level in InSb for various impurity compositions was analysed  employing Fermi-Dirac statistics.[i]

[i] R J Egan, V W L Chin and T L Tansley ,  Semiconductor Science and Technology, 1994, Volume 9,  Number 9, , « Growth, morphology and electrical transport properties of MOCVD-grown p-InSb »

SbMe3 for InAs1-xSbx by MOCVD

Trimethylantimony SbMe3, combined with InEt3 and AsH3 as In and As sources, was applied as Sb precursor, for the MOVPE growth of InAs1−xSbx, one of the most promising alloys for achieving high performance in III–V photodetectors. InAs1−xSbx layers were grown on (0001) Al2O3 (with x < 0.1) and (111) InAs substrates with x 0.23) at temperatures from 520 to 580°C. Accomodation of the lattice mismatch between the substrate and the ternary alloy was achived by the use of Intermediate layers. [[i]]

[i] G. Nataf, C. Vérié,  J. Cryst. Growth, 1981, Vol. 55, Iss. 1, p. 87-91 , « Epitaxial growth of InAs1−xSbx alloys by MOCVD », ,

Tris(trifluoromethyl)stibine Sb(CF3)3

 Tris(trifluoromethyl)stibine Sb(CF3)3 (M = ) is colorless mobile liquid melting at -58°C.  Sb(CF3)3 has vapor pressure 81 Torr/RT. .  Sb(CF3)3 dec. >200°C, reacts explosively with O2/air.

 Synthesis: Sb(CF3)3 was synthesized in high-pressure autoclave at 175°C/ 40 atm pressure by reaction of elemental antimony with trifluoromethyliodide: Sb + CF3I and purified by vacuum distillation (35% yield).

 Characterisation: 13C NMR (C6D6, ppm) 143.9, 136.7, 129.5, 122.3 (q, CF3). 13C NMR (CDCl3.ppm): 143.2, 136.0, 128.9, 121.7 (q, CF3). Vapor Phase FTIR (cm-1): 2379vw, 2276vw, 2219vw, 2180w, 1326vw, 1274w, 1242w, 1190vs, 1146vs, 1127vs, 1092vs, 1069sh, 1042w, 990vw, 867vw, 723m, 517vw.  

Sb(CF3)3 for Sb thin films by MOCVD

Tris(trifluoromethyl)stibineSb(CF3)3 is potential low-temperature CVD precursor, as it decomposes already at temps >200°C. However, it is not easy to handle, as it reacts explosively with oxygen or air.

    Sb(CF3)3 was applied as antimony precursor for the growth of Sb thin films having good adherence on glass(Pyrex), Pt/Si(100), whereas films deposited on Si, SiO2 had poor adherence. The deposition conditions used were following: growth temperature 275-400°C (at temperatures <350°C growth rate was low), press 10-6 Torr, horisontal, resistively heated hot-wall (HW) low pressure CVD (1,5”) reactor,  deposition time was 30-60 min. Rough polycrystalline Sb films were obtained on on Pt/Si (PtSb2) ,they were characterized by AFM/SEM, XRD, EDS, FTIR.[[i]]

[i] M.A.Todd, T.H. Baum, G. Bhandari,  WO/1999/026955, PCT/US1998/024568

Tris(trifluoromethyl)stibine ammonia adduct Sb(CF3)3(NH3)

Adducts of Sb(CF3)3 with Lewis bases such as NH3, pyridine or picoline are much more stable, compared to the unadducted Sb(CF3)3. They have reasonable vapour pressures, especially liquid Sb(CF3)3·NH3 (22 Torr (other data 31 Torr/RT)), and are more stable in air – adduct with NH3 only fumes in air . [i]

Synthesis: condensing NH3 at -196°C into a vessel with Sb(CF3)3 at room temperature, yield ~100%

Characterisation:  13C NMR (CDC13, ppm): 145.7, 138.4, 131.2, 124.0 (q, Sb(CF3)3) - downfield shift 3ppm. 1H NMR 1.43 ppm (s, NH3).

Gas Phase FTIR cm-1: 3053w, 3040m, sh, νN-H 3033 cm-1, 3015w, 2285vw, 2182vw, 1374s, 1227w, 1207m,sh, νC-F 1190-1127 cm-1, 1092w, sh, 1068m, sh, 1063m, sh, 1029vw, 964w, 930w, 739vw, char. CF3 deform 722 cm-1, 699m, 523 vw, 506w

[i] M.A.Todd, T.H. Baum, G. Bhandari,  WO/1999/026955, PCT/US1998/024568

Sb(CF3)3(NH3) for Sb thin films by MOCVD

Pure Sb films are formed from Sb(CF3)3·NH3 as precursor (precursor pure or H2 diluted) on Si, Pt/Si(100), glass(Pyrex), SiO2 substrates by HW low-pressure CVD (pressure 10-6 Torr), at temperatures  275-400°C (low growth rate observed at temperatures <350°C). The decomposition byproducts of Sb(CF3)3·NH3 precursor according to FTIR were: tetrafluoroethylene C2F4, hexafluoroethane C2F6 and unreacted starting material.

Tris(trifluoromethyl)stibine pyridine adduct Sb(CF3)3(py)

   Tris(trifluoromethyl)stibine pyridine adduct Sb(CF3)3(py) (M = ) is white solid, melting at 37-41°C, with vapor pressure 2 Torr/ RT (transports readily under reduced pressure without heating, thus is potentially applicable as antimony CVD precursor). More stable in air than unadducted Sb(CF3)3 (fuming only).

 Synthesis: condensing NH3 at -196°C into a vessel with Sb(CF3)3 at room temperature, yield ~100%

Characterisation: 1H NMR (C6D6): 8.30 ppm (doublet), (1 ppm coupl.const), 6.97 ppm (t) (4 ppm coupl. const.), 6.64 ppm (t) (2 ppm coupl. const.)

13C NMR (shift 2.5ppm, referenced to C6D6): I) Sb(CF3)3:, 139.3, 132.0, 125.9, II) NCSHS: 149.1, 136.3, 124.0

Vapor Phase FTIR, cm-1: 3692vw, 3092w, 3085 w, 3039w, 2966vw, 2177vw, 1585w, 1506vw, 1447, 1252w, 1190vs), 1148s), 1128vs, 1092 vs, 1072m, sh, 1042w, 1015w, 952vw, 867vw, 795w, 734m, 711m), 685vw), 607vw, 515w

Triethylantimony (triethylstibine) SbEt3

Triethylantimony SbEt3 (M= 208.94) is colorless liquid, stable under inert gas,  pyrophoric, d = 1.324g/ml (20°C)), mp.: -29°C, bp. 161°C/1013 hPa, (another data bp.159.5°C; bp. 156°C/ 760Torr [4]), 

Vapor pressure  equation (from various literature sources):  

lgp(torr)=7,7068- 1697/T(K)

 logP(Torr) = 7.904 - 2183/T(K) , vap. press. (Torr): 0.8/0°C, 1.1/ 5°C, 1.6/ 10°C, 2.1/ 15°C, 2.9/ 20°C, 3.8/ 25°C, 5.0/ 30°C, 6.6/ 35°C, 8.6/ 40°C, 11.0/ 45°C, 14.1/ 50°C

Triethylantimony SbEt3 is a widely used Sb precursor.

Thermal decomposition of triethylantimony SbEt3 was studied in tubular hot-wall reactor coupled with a molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometer; it starts at 400 °C with formation of n-butane, ethane, and ethene; the selectivity to n-butane increases with the thermolysis temperature [466]

SbEt3 for GaSb by vacuum chemical epitaxy (VCE)

     Triethylantmony SbEt3 (in combination with GaEt3 as Ga source) was applied as Sb precursor for the growth of GaSb thin films by vacuum chemical epitaxy (VCE), the approach in which into the hot-wall reaction chamber located within a high-vacuum chamber, multiple group III alkyl molecular beams were directed onto wafers. Intriniscally p-doped GaSb as well as  and n-type Te doped GaSb films were grown and characterized. Internal quantum yields as high as 85% were obtained in the prepared GaSb p-n junction photodiodes. Background carrier concentrations of 4×1016 cm3 were measured in the unintentionally doped GaSb films by C-V measurements.

The conclusion of testing triethylantimony as Sb precursor for GaSb film growth was that for the deposition temperatures <600·C and for low pressures, despite easier decomposition of TESb compared to TMSb,  the reaction efficiency of SbEt3 is poor unless a thermal cracker is used to enhance the SbEt3 decomposition. [i]

[i] L. M. Fraas,  P. S. McLeod,  L. D. Partain, J. A. Cape,  J. Appl. Phys., 1987, 61, 2861; « GaSb films grown by vacuum chemical epitaxy using triethyl antimony and triethyl gallium sources «  , ,,

SbEt3 for InAsSb/InPSb strained layer superlattices by MOCVD

 SbEt3 was employed for the MOCVD growth of InAsSb/InPSb strained layer superlattices. [4]

SbEt3 for GeSbTe by MOCVD

    Triethylantimony SbEt3 (TESb) was applied as the antimony precursor for the MOCVD growth of GeSbTe-based chalcogenide thin films for Chalcogenide Random Access Memory (C-RAM) applications  (in combination with  Ge precursors such as GeH4, GeEt4, GeH2Et2, GeHMe3,  and TeiPr2 as Te precursor). GeSbTe films were grown at low pressures and temperatures from 350°C to 600°C. The controllability and uniformity of the film composition was demonstrated using XRF and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) measurements. [i]

[i] G.S. Tompa, Sh. Sun, C. E Rice, J. Cuchiaro, MRS Symp. Proc. 2007, vol. 997 (Symposium I – Materials and Processes for Nonvolatile Memories II) ,  0997-I10-08 , « Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) of GeSbTe-based Chalcogenide Thin Films »,

Triisopropylantimony (triisopropylstibine) SbiPr3

  Triisopropylantimony (triisopropylstibine)  SbiPr3 (M = 251.02) is colorless liquid, having density d = 1.2 g/ml.  

Vapor pressure equation : logP(Torr) = 9.268 - 2881/T(K)

Vapor pressure (Torr): 0.1/ 10°C, 0.3/ 20°C, 0.6/ 30°C, 1.2/ 40°C, 2.3/ 45°C, 4.2/ 60°C

SbiPr3 for Sb films by cyclic pulsed CVD

  Triisopropylantimony Sb(i-C3H7)3 (combined with H2 plasma as reducing agent) was applied as precursor  for the growth of antimony (Sb) thin films by cyclic-pulsed PECVD at 200-275 °C temperatures; layer growth rate (thickness/cycle) was ca. 0.10-0.5 nm/cycle. The dependence of film properties, such as resistivity, surface roughness, and crystallinity on the deposition temperature was studied. Thus, low resistivity, high purity, and smooth surface morphology of the films were promoted by higher growth temperatures. The deposited Sb films were polycrystalline, with higher crystallinity in the layers grown at higher deposition temperatures.[[i]]

 [i] Kim, Y.-H.; Lim, Gyeong Taek; Kim, Bo-Hye; Ko, Hang Ju; Woo, Hee-Gweon; Kim, Do-H., J. Nanosci. Nanotechnology, 2008,  Vol 8, No. 10, , pp. 4972-4975(4), « Preparation of Antimony Films by Cyclic Pulsed Chemical Vapor Deposition » 

SbiPr3 for InSbTe (IST) nanowires by CVD

     Triisopropylantimony Sb(iPr)3 , combined with InMe3 and TeiPr2 , was used as antimony precursor for the growth of the IST thin films and nanowires by MOCVD on 50 micrometer TiAlN  / Si substrates. The Sb(iPr)3 precursor was evaporated at bubbler temperature 30°C (for comparison, In and Te precursor at 10°C; 20 sccm Ar gas carrier gas was used for each of precursors, the precursors flows were injected through a shower head maintained at ~80° C; reactor pressure was precisely controlled (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 or 15 Torr), the growth temperature 250° C was used; growth time was 2 hours. The surface and cross-sectional structure of the prepared IST thin films was analyzed by SEM. When the deposition process was carried out at a pressure of 3 .9><102 Pa (3 Torr), an InSbTe film having a very uniform surface was formed, whereas the layers deposited at a pressures 13><102 Pa (10 Torr), 15.6><102 Pa (12 Torr) and 19.5><102 Pa (15 Torr). The InSbTe nanowires obtained at 10 Torr and 15 Torr had very uniform shape, whereas those grown at 15 Torr were partially agglomerated.[[i]]


SbiPr3 as surfactant during InGaN QW growth by MOCVD

    Triisopropylantimony Sb(iPr)3 (TIPSb) having low vapor pressure 0.3 Torr/ 20 ◦C was chosen as the Sb surfactant precursor during MOCVD growth of InGaN quantum wells (5 pairs of InGaN (5 nm)/GaN (15 nm) MQWs were grown on a buffer layer consisting of 1µm undoped GaN and 1.5 μm n-doped GaN using conventional InMe3, GaMe3, NH3 precursors). Varying molar ratios of Sb/(In+Ga) flow (SIG ratios,  μmol/min) were applied; samples with SIG ratios of 0.04%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.12% and 0% as a reference were grown and investigated by PL and TRPL.

   For the low SIG ratio (~0.05%), the optical quality of InGaN/GaN MQWs improved, what was attributed to the surfactant properties of antimony;   the Sb signals remained weak and their intensity is at the noise level, indicating that hardly any Sb was incorporated into the wells. The In signal was not affected very much at a SIG ratio of 0.05% (similar spectra for the In signals were obtained in the cases of 0% and 0.05% Sb addition).

However, in the case of higher 0.1% Sb addition, the intensity level of the Sb signal increased and the In signal was affected, showing that for a higher SIG ratio Sb started to participate in the reaction during InGaN growth, i.e. QWs grown with SIG = 0.1% contained some Sb atoms inside. Probably, these incorporated Sb atoms acted as the source of nonradiative recombination centers  and caused the optical quality of these samples to deteriorate, despite the fact that morphology of this sample was similar to the MQWs grown with SIG = 0.05%.[i]

[i] M Baranowski, M Latkowska, R Kudrawiec, M Syperek, J Misiewicz, K Giri Sadasivam, J Shim, J.K. Lee, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2012) 105027,  doi:10.1088/0268-1242/27/10/105027, “Time-resolved photoluminescence studies of the optical quality of InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well grown by MOCVD—antimony surfactant effect”,

Tertiarybutyldimethylantimony SbMe2tBu

    Tertiarybutyldimethylantimony SbMe2tBu (TBDMSb) was synthesized and evaluated as precursors for the growth of bulk GaSb and InSb layers by MOVPE (and compared to the growth using conventional trimethylantimony (SbMe3) precursor).  It was shown that the use of TBDMSb allowed the growth of InSb at lower temperature (400°C), as compared to 450°C needed for the growth using SbMe3. In situ ultraviolet spectroscopy was used to study the pyrolysis kinetics of SbMe2tBu (and SbMe3) under real growth conditions. AFM, cross-sectional and plan view TEM and quasi-elastic light scattering (QLS) were used for the thorough study of the initial nucleation of GaSb onto GaAs substrates. Bulk GaSb layers were grown using optimized and non-optimized buffer layers and the optical, structural and electrical properties of the grown layers were investigated.[i]


    Tertiarybutyldimethylantimony (TBDMSb) SbMe2(tBu) was assessed as MOVPE antimony precursor for the growth of InSb epilayers on GaAs substrates (and compared to conventional SbMe3 precursor) (with various In sources tested:  InMe3, InMe2Et (EDMIn), a mixture of InMe3/InEt3 and a saturated solution of TMIn in an involatile solvent). The growth temperature from  400 to 480°C and a wide range of V/III ratios was studied for the various combinations of precursors and combinations of pre-cracking and no pre-cracking. There are a number of well established problems in the growth of InSb on GaAs by MOVPE including poor thermal cracking of the commonly used antimony precursor SbMe3, high lattice mismatch of 14.5%, low melting point of InSb. A number of techniques including low temperature buffer layers of InSb and GaSb, the use of an internally heated resistance heater to allow pre-cracking of the alkyls, and the use of alternative Sb and In precursors was studied. Surface quality and electrical properties of epilayers at RT and 77 K was studied. Two analytical techniques have been used to monitor the InSb growth: 1) quasi-elastic light scattering of a He/Ne laser beam from the growing surface (the scattered light is surface roughness-sensitive, so the transition from 2D to 3D growth can be easily observed); 2) ultra-violet spectroscopy to study the effective pick-up rates of the MO sources (f.e. TMIn absorbs at  300-180 nm range, so a simple UV set up incorporating a single pass cell with a 10 cm path length was used).[ii]

[i] R M Graham, A C Jones, N J Mason, S Rushworth, A Salesse, T-Y Seong, G Booker, L Smith, P.J Walker, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 1993, Vol. 8 (No. 10), p.1797, « Improved materials for MOVPE growth of GaSb and InSb »,

[ii] R.M. Graham, N.J. Mason, P.J. Walker, D.M. Frigo, R.W. Gedridge Jr., J. Cryst. Growth, 1992, vol. 124, iss. 1–4, p. 363-370, MOVPE growth of InSb on GaAs substrates ,

Tris(neopentyl)stibine (tris-neopentylantimony) Sb(CH2CMe3)3 (SbNep3)

    Tris(neopentyl)stibine  (tris-neopentylantimony) Sb(CH2CMe3)3 (or SbNep3 ) was synthesized in 80% yield by the reaction of Grignard reagent (NepMgX) with SbCl3 in Et2O; it was characterized by 1H and 13C NMR, elemental analysis, and infrared spectroscopy; its crystal structure was studied by single crystal XRD. SbNep3 was proposed as potential antimony MOCVD precursor.[i]

  [i] D. G. Hendershot, J. C. Pazik, C. George, A.D. Berry, Organometallics, 1992, 11 (6), pp 2163–2168, DOI: 10.1021/om00042a033, “Synthesis and characterization of neopentyl- and [(trimethylsilyl)methyl]antimony compounds. Molecular structures of (Me3CCH2)3Sb, (Me3CCH2)3SbI2, (Me3SiCH2)3Sb, and (Me3SiCH2)3SbI2

Tris(trimethylsilylmethyl)stibine (tris-(trimethylsilylmethyl)antimony) Sb(CH2SiMe3)3

Tris(trimethylsilylmethyl)stibine  (tris-(trimethylsilylmethyl)antimony) Sb(CH2SiMe3)3  was synthesized by the reaction of SbCl3 with Grignard reagent (Me3Si-CH2-MgX) in diethylether (80% yield). Sb(CH2SiMe3)3 was characterized by 1H and 13C NMR, IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis; its molecular and crystal structure was determined by single crystal XRD; it is practically isomorphous to its neopentyl analogue (tris-neopentylantimony Sb(CH2CMe3)3). Sb(CH2SiMe3)3  was proposed as potential precursor for MOCVD of antimony-containing thin films.[i]

 [i] D. G. Hendershot, J. C. Pazik, C. George, A.D. Berry, Organometallics, 1992, 11 (6), pp 2163–2168, DOI: 10.1021/om00042a033, “Synthesis and characterization of neopentyl- and [(trimethylsilyl)methyl]antimony compounds. Molecular structures of (Me3CCH2)3Sb, (Me3CCH2)3SbI2, (Me3SiCH2)3Sb, and (Me3SiCH2)3SbI2

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