CoAl2(acac)3(OiPr)4(OAc)(C7H8)0.5 was synthesized with almost quantitative yields by reaction of Co(acac)2 with 2 eq. of Al(OiPr)3 in toluene at reflux with subsequent addition of 1 eq. of Hacac and 1 eq. of HOAc. The Co atom in the molecule is tetrahedrally coordinated (η2-acac plus 2 bonds to μ-OiPr-groups), and the Al atoms have a slightly distorted octahedral coordination (hexacoordinated) (η2-acac plus 3 bonds to μ-OiPr-groups plus one bond to μ-OAc-group). The complex is stable to solvolysis in toluene and is volatile under reduced pressure.
coatings of the spinel CoAl2O4 were easily obtained using by MOCVD using CoAl2(acac)3(OiPr)4(OAc)(C7H8)0.5 as precursor.[[i]]
[i] G.A. Seisenbaeva, E.V. Suslova, M.Kritikos, V.G. Kessler, L.Rapenne, M.Andrieux, F. Chassagneux, S.Parola, J. Mater. Chem., 2004, 14, 3150-3157, “Purposeful construction versus self-assembly in approaches to single source precursors of spinel materials. Synthesis, structure and stability studies of MIIAl2(acac)3(OiPr)4(OAc), MII = Mn, Co, Zn – a new class of heterometallic heteroleptic alkoxide complexes”