Beryllium metal

Be metal for Be-doped diamond

Beryllium metal has been applied as CVD precursor for the plasma-CVD growth of diamond.

Beryllium was evaporated from a solid Be-rod inserted into the plasma ball during microwave plasma CVD during microwave plasma CVD diamond growth, resulting in Be-doped diamond thin films. The concentration of beryllium could be controlled in the range 1016 to ~1018 cm− 3 by changing the depth of Be-rod insertion into the plasma ball and the variation of microwave power.

In cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra of Be-doped diamond films, a peak at 4.760 eV and its phonon replica were observed, as well as free-exciton (FE)-related emission, with peak energies of these emissions being close to those from Be-implanted diamond films. [[i]]

[i]Beryllium-doped single-crystal diamond grown by microwave plasma CVD

K. Ueda and M. Kasua, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 18, Iss. 2–3, 2009, p. 121–123

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