Chromium tris(1-methoxymethyl-2-propanolate) Cr(OCMe2CH2OMe)3 (Cr(mmp)3), the first thermostable monomeric alkoxide of trivalent chromium is highly volatile and soluble complex of chromium(III) and is therefore potentiaslly useful precursor for MOCVD of chromium-contanining layers. It was synthesized by treatment of the amide precursor Cr[N(iPr)2]3 by 1-methoxymethyl-2-propanol. A single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of Cr(mmp)3 revealed an octahedral structure with six oxygen atoms surrounding the metal atom and three chelating O,O′ ligands coordinating to Cr(III) in a mer configuration. [[i]]
[i] W. A. Herrmann,. N. W. Huber, R. Anwander, T. Priermeier, Chem. Ber., Vol. 126, Iss. 5, p. 1127–1130, May 1993
Chromium alkoxides of the type Cr(OR)3 , where R = alkyl, were suggessted to be useful as potential precursors for MOCVD of copper chromates at temperatures 200-750°C, but no examples or deposition conditions were given [[i]]
[i] S.M. Merchant, S. Misra, P.K. Roy, US Patent 6,071,808 (Jun 2000)