Table. Properties of tungsten carbonyls isonitrils W(CO)5(R-NC)

Table. Properties of tungsten carbonyls isonitrils W(CO)5(R-NC)

Synthesis and characterisation of several tungsten pentacarbonyl alkylisonitriles W(CO)5(R-N≡C) were reported by R. Gordon et al. These complexes were proposed as an alternative tungsten MOCVD precursors, which are less toxic than W(CO)6 and are liquids with suitable R ligand (for example with R = 1-methylbutyl, n-amyl, 1,3-dimethylbutyl, n-hexyl, 1-methylhexyl, n-octyl). [[i]]

Liquid W complexes have much more stable vapor pressure, compared to solid W(CO)6, what is important for the growth rate stability when using them as MOCVD precursors. (sublimation of solid W(CO)6 is less reproducible source of vapor, since the surface area of a solid changes as the solid evaporates.)

[i] R.G. Gordon, S. Barry, R. N. R. Broomhall-Dillard, V. A. Wagner, Y. Wang, Mat. Res. Soc.Symp. Proc. 2000, Vol. 612,  D9.12.1 « VOLATILE LIQUID PRECURSORS FOR THE CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION (CVD) OF THIN FILMS CONTAINING TUNGSTEN »,  https://faculty.chemistry.harvard.edu/files/gordon/files/vol_liquid_cvd_tungsten_matressocsympproc612_d9.12.12000.pdf

Tungsten pentacarbonyl 1-methylbutylisonitrile W(CO)5(C5H11-N≡C)

Tungsten pentacarbonyl 1-methylbutylisonitrile W(CO)5(C5H11NC) is liquid having melting point 9°C, liquid density 1.76 g/ml, molecular complexity 1.11 and viscosity 7.03 centipoise at 40°C.

W(CO)5(C5H11NC)  (combined with  NH3 as nitrogen source) was applied as precursor for the deposition of WNx thin films in the temperature range 250°C/400 °C  [[i]].

[i] R. G. Gordon, S. Barry, R. N. R. Broomhall-Dillard, V. A. Wagner, Y. Wang, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 612, 9.12/1 (2000)

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