Beryllium complex of malonic dialdehyde

The structure of beryllium complex of malonic dialdehyde (the simplest β-diketonate of beryllium) has been studied by ab initio calculations. However, no data are available for its application as precursor for MOCVD.

Beryllium acetylacetonate Be(acac)2

            Beryllium acetylacetonate Be(acac)2 has been studied gas phase electronography to determine ist geometrical structure. It was shown that the structure of the complex with coordination polyhedron [МО4] having symmetry configuration D2d and mutually perpendicular planes of chelate ligands  has the best agreement with the data. The molecule is flat (the deviation of the angle between diektonate rings from 180° is not larger than 10° [] The IR spectra of Be(acac)2 are in agreement with geometrical symmetry configuration С2v with mutually perpendicular planes of chelate rings [103].

[103] Nakamoto K., McCarthy P.J., Martell A.E. // J. Amer. Chem. Soc. – 1961. – 83. – P. 1272 – 1276

Beryllium 1,1,1,5,5,5 hexafluoroacetylacetonate Be(hfac)2

Thermal decomposition of beryllium hexafluoroacetylacetonate Be(hfac)2 forms two exclusive products, BeF2 and a volatile organic byproduct, 2,2difluoro2,3dihydro5trifluoromethylfuran3one. This unique intramolecular fluorine transfer from the hfac ligand to the metal provides a method for depositing high purity metal fluorides, like BeF2 as example.


Be(hfac)2 has been applied as single source MOCVD precursor for the growth of high purity thin films BeF2 and BeF2–AlF3 glasses. Optically clear BeF2 and BeF2–AlF3 glass samples have been made with the correct stoichiometry and a very low level of impurities. [[i] ]

[i]Sarhangi, A.;   Power, J. M.;  Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Jul 1992, Volume: 10 Issue:4, On page(s): 1514 - 1517

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