Gadolinium chloride GdCl3

Vapor pressure of  GdCl3

Anhydrous GdCl3 was proposed as potential precursor for the deposition of Gd3Fe5O12 layers by CVD.   The apparent vapor pressure of GdCl3 is significantly higher in the presence of Al2Cl6 or Fe2Cl6  :  ~2 · 10–2 atm, at 550°C and pAl2Cl6 = 1 atm,  and ~ 2 · 10–3 atm at 550°C and pFe2Cl6 = 1 atm  ( as compared to 1.3 · 10–3 atm at 950°C for GdCl3 alone) – considering equilibria [GdCl3](s) + 1.5L2Cl6(g) = GdL3Cl12(g), [L= Al, Fe]. The higher stability of GdAl3Cl12(g) against GdFe3Cl12(g) corresponds with stability trends observed in other metal chloride gaseous complexes.[i]

[i]M. Cosandey and F. P. Emmenegger,  J. Electrochem. Soc., Volume 126, Issue 9, pp. 1601-1603 (1979) Gaseous Complexes of Gadolinium Chloride with Aluminum and Iron Chlorides 

GdCl3 for Gd,Fe garnet (GdIG) by CVD

       Anhydrous GdCl3 (in combination with FeCl2 as co-precursor) has been applied for the epitaxial growth of gadolinium-iron garnet (GdIG) on YAG (yttrium-aluminum garnet) substrates by CVD. The grown layers were characterized by electron diffraction, XRD, electron microprobe, and magnetooptic studies.[i]

[i]Mee, J. E., Archer, J. L. ;  Meade, R. H. ;  Hamilton, T. N, Applied Physics Letters, 1967, Volume: 10 , Issue: 10,  Page(s): 289 – 291,  CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION OF EPITAXIAL YIG ON YAG AND EPITAXIAL GdIG ON YAG 

Gadolinium fluoride GdF3

Gadolinium bromide GdBr3

Gadolinium iodide GdI3

     GdF3, GdBr3, GdI3 were proposed as potential precursors for CVD  of gadolinium-containing phosphors, however no examples were given.[i]

[i]  S. Honda, O Morikawa, T. Shoji, A. Nozaki, H. Otani, Hiroshi, European Patent EP1435627A2 (Application Number: EP20030029606), Publication Date:07/07/2004, 

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